Today, on my way to work, I was listening to Lauren Daigel, and one sentence in the lyric caught my attention. It said: "I want You, and nothing less." What a great statement! In my life, there are so many things I have longed for. There are so many things I thought that I would never let go. But comparing to my Lord who gave me His life and loves me with His constant, unwavering and everlasting love, ANYTHING in this life and this world is LESS. This song is inspired by this important reminder from the Lord. Praise Your name! CHOOSE LIFE, PLEASE! CHOOSE HIM OH MY LORD, MY SAVIOR AND MY GOD. I WANT YOU! YOU ALONE, NOTHING LESS. PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY. MAY YOU COME SOON! I WORSHIP YOU, WITH MY HEART, MIND, AND SOUL. BLESSED IS THE ONE AND ONLY GOD, WHO SITS ON THE THRONE. FOREVER AND EVER FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END OH ISRAELITES, ISRAELITES, CHILDREN OF GOD. LIFT YOUR HEADS UP HIGH, WELCOME YOUR LORD BACK! THE END IS S...